KDS Device Updated Webhook

How To Use the KDS Device Deleted Webhook Event

KDS Device Deleted Webhook Event


This event fires when a device is deleted/removed from the KDS web portal.

Body Parameters

Property Type Description
triggeredAction string value: Device Deleted
brand Brand brand device belongs to
location Location location device belongs to
data Data device information


Property Type Description
id string uuid of brand
name string name of brand


Property Type Description
id string uuid of location
name string name of location
number string user-entered location number


Property Type Description
id string uuid of device record
type string type of device; possible values: ios, android, firetv, elo-backpack
version string KDS app version
locationId string uuid of location device belongs to
toolId string uuid indicating device is used for KDS
friendlyName string user-entered screen name
deviceId string device generated id
deviceName string device generated name
isBlacklisted bool true if device has been flagged by Fresh as blacklisted
isDeleted bool true if device has been deleted by a user
createdOn timestamp time device was created in UTC
updatedOn timestamp last time device data was updated in UTC
updatedBy string uuid of user who last updated device data
deviceOsVersion string device OS version
deviceSettings Device Settings device screen settings
isOnline bool true if screen is currently reporting as connected to the KDS server
onlineUpdatedOn timestamp field is deprecated and replaced by statusUpdated
statusUpdated timestamp last time screen’s connection status updated

Device Settings

Property Type Description
pos POS device’s POS information
display Display device’s dipslay settings
orderTypes OrderType six orderType objects: forHere, driveThru, curbside, toGo, delivery, pickup
takeOut Takeout device’s takeout view settings
colors Colors device’s color settings
orderFeatures Order Features device’s order features settings
orderTracker Order Tracker device’s order tracker settings
boltOns Bolt Ons device’s “bolt on” settings
otherSettings Other Settings device’s other settings
orderRecall integer time in minutes that device will store bumped orders for recall
localEditEnabled bool true if user is able to edit settings from the mobile app
menuCategories Menu Categories device’s menu category routing settings
playSoundOrderArrives bool true if device order notification sounds are on
bumpBarType string device’s bump bar setting; possible values Keyboard, KB1700, KDSCorpTD20


Property Type Description
id string uuid of the selected POS
pos string name of the selected POS
kdsIntegrationType string integration type; possible values PrinterEmulation, CloudBased


Property Type Description
darkTheme bool true if screen is set to use Dark Mode
view string screen’s layout; possible values NormalView, SplitView, TileView

Order Type

Six OrderType objects: forHere, driveThru, curbside, toGo, delivery, pickup

Property Type Description  
enabled bool true if order type is displayed on the KDS view for screen  
takeOutEnabled bool true if order type is displayed on the Takeout view for screen  
color string color hex code for order type header  
splitView string row order type appears in for Split View; possible values top, bottom  
orderTracker Order Tracker information about order type’s Order Tracker settings  
times Times information about order type’s caution and late time settings  
smsOrderBoltOns SMS Order Bolt Ons information about order type’s messaging settings; three objects: pickup, ready, received  

Order Tracker Order Type

Property Type Description
trackingEnabled bool true if order type sends data to Order Tracker
readyExpireTimeEnabled bool true if order type sends expiration time for Ready column
readyExpire integer amount of time, in minutes, orders of this order type will remain in the Ready column


Property Type Description
caution string format “mm:ss”; amount of time before orders of this type change from green to yellow
late string format “mm:ss”; amount of time before orders of this type change from yellow to red

SMS Order Bolt Ons

pickup - settings for the message that sends when orders are bumped from the KDS view

ready - settings for the message that sends when orders are marked as ready on the Takeout view

received - settings for the message that sends when orders are received on the KDS screen

Property Type Description
enabled bool true if messages are sent for this event
hereLink bool true if message includes “I’m Here” link
message string content of message if order type is overriding default message
readyTimeMessaging Ready Time Messaging received only; settings about alternate message based on order ready time

Ready Time Messaging

Property Type Description
active bool true if order type uses alternative message based on order ready time
hereLink bool true if alternative message includes “I’m Here” link
message string content of alternative message
minutesLimit integer time in minutes; if the order’s ready time is more than this many minutes in the future the alternative message will be sent


Property Type Description
takeOutEnabled bool true if takeout view is enabled
defaultTakeOut bool true if takeout view is the default view
initialOrderStatus string initial status of orders on the takeout view; possible values New, In Progress, Ready


Property Type Description
status Status colors for order’s start, caution, and late time headers
orderPart Order Part colors for order’s items and modifier text


Property Type Description
start string hex value for initial header color
caution string hex value for caution header color
late string hex value for late header color

Order Part

Property Type Description
mainItem string hex value for main item text color
modifiers string hex value for modifier text color

Order Features

Property Type Description
fontSize string possible values Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large
hideOrderMode bool true if screen hides the order type banner on the order cards
hideEmployeeName bool true if screen hides employee name from the order cards
combineOrders bool true if screen combines items if order name and order type match
autoClearOrders bool true if screen automatically bumps all open orders once a day
autoClearOrdersAt string time orders are automatically bumped, based on device’s time settings
itemDisplayOption string how an order’s items are displayed; possible values displayAsReceived, combineLikeItems, singleLinePerItem
strikeThroughIndividualModifiers bool true if screen allows individual modifier strike throughs

Order Tracker

Property Type Description
displayPreparing bool true if screen sends order preparing commands to order tracker
displayReady bool true if screen sends order ready commands to order tracker

Bolt Ons

Property Type Description
sms-order-pickup SMS Order Pickup true if screen sends order preparing commands to order tracker
sms-order-ready SMS Order Ready true if screen sends order ready commands to order tracker
sms-order-received SMS Order Received true if screen sends order ready commands to order tracker

SMS Order Pickup

Property Type Description
active bool true if screen sends messages when orders are bumped from KDS view
message string default content of message when orders are bumped from KDS view

SMS Order Ready

Property Type Description
active bool true if screen sends messages when orders are marked as ready on the Takeout view
message string default content of message when orders are marked as ready on the Takeout view

SMS Order Received

Property Type Description
active bool true if screen sends messages when orders are received
message string default content of message when orders are marked as ready on the Takeout view
hereLink bool true if message includes “I’m Here” link
readyTimeMessaging Ready Time Messaging settings about alternate message based on order ready time

Other Settings

Property Type Description
parsingMode string source of the parsing file for printer emulation integration type; possible values Cloud, Local
crossScreen Cross Screen settings for cross screen communication feature
printer Printer settings for connected label or ticket printer

Cross Screen

Property Type Description
enabled bool true if screen communication is turned on for the device
multiClear bool deprecated; replaced by screens array
advance bool deprecated; replaced by screens array
screens Screens[] other screens this device is connected to


Property Type Description
name string name of the other screen
ipAddress string IP address of the other screen
identifier string identifier of the other screen
synctype string sync type; possible values orderadvance, multiclear
lastUpdated timestamp time this setting was last updated
packets string deprecated


Property Type Description
enabled string name of the other screen
autoPrint string IP address of the other screen
autoPrintTime string identifier of the other screen
printerCompany string sync type; possible values orderadvance, multiclear
printerModel string printer model
printerLanguage string printer language; Zebra only
printerType string printer type; possible values label, ticket
printerWidth string printer width; Zebra only
Property Type Description
enabled bool true if items from this category are displayed on screen
id string uuid if menu category if imported from point of sale
name string name of category


	"triggeredAction": "Device Deleted",
	"brand": {
		"id": "10b4039e-01d2-4399-9d93-52b850fc5751",
		"name": "KDS Test Brand"
	"location": {
		"id": "6c4e879e-3ab5-4e5a-be1d-cf48fe809559",
		"name": "Atlanta",
		"number": "4"
	"data": {
		"id": "d3ab622a-b48c-4daf-b811-7a6f2e31a7fa",
		"type": "ios",
		"version": "2.21.29",
		"locationId": "6c4e879e-3ab5-4e5a-be1d-cf48fe809559",
		"toolId": "3957e3bd-dc4e-4a0f-b952-27eb06c8d9da",
		"friendlyName": "Salad",
		"deviceId": "DBEE3E8D-54CE-45B7-861B-A4F2B9B4D794",
		"deviceName": "Apple iPad (iPad Air 2)",
		"isBlacklisted": false,
		"isDeleted": false,
		"createdOn": "2023-04-08T19:18:42.903Z",
		"updatedOn": "2023-04-11T18:19:19.696Z",
		"updatedBy": "00019215-cb01-434d-8683-1006c87b93e9",
		"deviceOsVersion": "15.7.3",
		"deviceSettings": {
			"pos": {
				"id": "27f7a4b8-69e8-4faf-8293-b14206cc2968",
				"pos": "SquarePosRegisterPrinter",
				"kdsIntegrationType": "PrinterEmulation"
			"display": {
				"darkTheme": false,
				"view": "NormalView"
			"orderTypes": {
				"forHere": {
					"enabled": true,
					"takeOutEnabled": false,
					"color": "#00953b",
					"splitView": "top",
					"orderTracker": {
						"trackingEnabled": true,
						"readyExpireTimeEnabled": true,
						"readyExpire": 5
					"times": {
						"caution": "05:00",
						"late": "08:00"
					"smsOrderBoltOns": {
						"pickup": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null
						"ready": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null
						"received": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null,
							"readyTimeMessaging": {
								"active": false,
								"hereLink": false,
								"message": "",
								"minutesLimit": 15
				"driveThru": {
					"enabled": true,
					"takeOutEnabled": false,
					"color": "#d19ec9",
					"splitView": "bottom",
					"orderTracker": {
						"trackingEnabled": false,
						"readyExpireTimeEnabled": true,
						"readyExpire": 20
					"times": {
						"caution": "05:00",
						"late": "08:00"
					"smsOrderBoltOns": {
						"pickup": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null
						"ready": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null
						"received": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null,
							"readyTimeMessaging": {
								"active": false,
								"hereLink": false,
								"message": "",
								"minutesLimit": 15
				"curbside": {
					"enabled": true,
					"takeOutEnabled": true,
					"color": "#a0fbff",
					"splitView": "bottom",
					"orderTracker": {
						"trackingEnabled": false,
						"readyExpireTimeEnabled": true,
						"readyExpire": 20
					"times": {
						"caution": "05:00",
						"late": "08:00"
					"smsOrderBoltOns": {
						"pickup": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null
						"ready": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null
						"received": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null,
							"readyTimeMessaging": {
								"active": false,
								"hereLink": false,
								"message": "",
								"minutesLimit": 15
				"toGo": {
					"enabled": true,
					"takeOutEnabled": true,
					"color": "#f88d2a",
					"splitView": "bottom",
					"orderTracker": {
						"trackingEnabled": true,
						"readyExpireTimeEnabled": true,
						"readyExpire": 20
					"times": {
						"caution": "05:00",
						"late": "08:00"
					"smsOrderBoltOns": {
						"pickup": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null
						"ready": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null
						"received": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null,
							"readyTimeMessaging": {
								"active": false,
								"hereLink": false,
								"message": "",
								"minutesLimit": 15
				"delivery": {
					"enabled": true,
					"takeOutEnabled": true,
					"color": "#d19ec9",
					"splitView": "bottom",
					"orderTracker": {
						"trackingEnabled": false,
						"readyExpireTimeEnabled": true,
						"readyExpire": 20
					"times": {
						"caution": "05:00",
						"late": "08:00"
					"smsOrderBoltOns": {
						"pickup": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null
						"ready": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null
						"received": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null,
							"readyTimeMessaging": {
								"active": false,
								"hereLink": false,
								"message": "",
								"minutesLimit": 15
				"pickup": {
					"enabled": true,
					"takeOutEnabled": true,
					"color": "#a0fbff",
					"splitView": "bottom",
					"orderTracker": {
						"trackingEnabled": true,
						"readyExpireTimeEnabled": true,
						"readyExpire": 20
					"times": {
						"caution": "05:00",
						"late": "08:00"
					"smsOrderBoltOns": {
						"pickup": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null
						"ready": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null
						"received": {
							"enabled": true,
							"hereLink": false,
							"message": null,
							"readyTimeMessaging": {
								"active": false,
								"hereLink": false,
								"message": "",
								"minutesLimit": 15
			"takeOut": {
				"takeOutEnabled": false,
				"defaultTakeOut": false,
				"initialOrderStatus": "New"
			"colors": {
				"status": {
					"start": "#89d975",
					"caution": "#ffa62b",
					"late": "#ff6767"
				"orderPart": {
					"mainItem": "#020202",
					"modifiers": "#1a73e8"
			"orderFeatures": {
				"fontSize": "Large",
				"hideOrderMode": false,
				"hideEmployeeName": false,
				"combineOrders": false,
				"autoClearOrders": false,
				"autoClearOrdersAt": "12:00 AM",
				"itemDisplayOption": "displayAsReceived",
				"strikeThroughIndividualModifiers": true
			"allDayCount": {
				"enabled": false,
				"components": []
			"orderTracker": {
				"displayPreparing": false,
				"displayReady": false
			"boltOns": {
				"apex-lockers": {
					"active": false,
					"clientId": "",
					"clientSecret": "",
					"clientNumber": ""
				"cuboh": {
					"active": false
				"sms-order-pickup": {
					"active": false,
					"message": "Your order is ready for pickup!"
				"sms-order-ready": {
					"active": false,
					"message": "Your order is ready!"
				"sms-order-received": {
					"active": false,
					"message": "We have received your order!",
					"hereLink": true,
					"readyTimeMessaging": null
				"togo": {
					"active": false,
					"togoLocationId": "",
					"togoSecurityKey": ""
			"otherSettings": {
				"parsingMode": "Cloud",
				"crossScreen": {
					"enabled": "True",
					"multiClear": "True",
					"advance": "False",
					"screens": [{
						"name": "Grill",
						"ipAddress": "",
						"identifier": "9AD2C4B97A08",
						"synctype": "multiclear",
						"lastUpdated": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
						"packets": null
				"printer": {
					"enabled": "False",
					"autoPrint": "False",
					"autoPrintTime": "autoPrintWhenReceived",
					"printerCompany": "",
					"printerModel": null,
					"printerLanguage": null,
					"printType": null,
					"printWidth": null
			"orderRecall": 30,
			"localEditEnabled": true,
			"menuCategories": [{
					"enabled": true,
					"id": "07313225-9554-4809-a5d1-ff24db549687",
					"name": "Bakery Items",
					"items": []
					"enabled": true,
					"id": "5c031a4e-dbd0-4228-a86a-34ba5c7c0d92",
					"name": "Cold Drinks",
					"items": []
					"enabled": true,
					"id": "0e60fdb5-887c-477e-b7be-d6cc9c1cd818",
					"name": "Hot Drinks",
					"items": []
			"playSoundOrderArrives": true,
			"deviceFailsSecurityCheck": false,
			"bumpBarType": "Keyboard"
		"isOnline": true,
		"onlineUpdatedOn": "2023-04-08T19:18:42.903Z",
		"statusUpdated": "2023-04-11T18:19:11.216Z"